Saturday, December 15, 2007

Black on black

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get a photograph of a black cat on a black sofa? On a winter's evening, without a flashlight?

Well. Very.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Being a tourist

This must be the most photographed site in Helsinki. Today was a nice and sunny day and I was walking by the cathedral, so I figured I might add these photos to my collection. It wouldn't be complete without them I suppose. The city landmark.

I added some glow on the white. I was tempted to add some more but it started to look too sugar coated so I resisted the urge. There were also several blue & white combinations, in all different shades of the colors, I could have picked. I tried staying close to the 'original' as I think it was, but I'm not so sure anymore how well I remembered. Funny what becomes complicated with the use of modern technology.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

City buba sighting

One eagle owl spotted today. At Helsinki, Siltavuorenpenger 20.

It was probably as amused by me as I was by it and we kept staring at each other through the window glass for quite some time. The owl spent the whole day there and as I left the building it was still sitting on that brim. I wouldn't mind seeing it again tomorrow.

I googled newspapers and found out that there are perhaps five or so eagle owls living in downtown Helsinki this year. This was my first sighting on one and I must say there was something very sympathetic about the look in its face. Feathers almost like fur.

Fine animal. The word 'bird' doesn't seem to fit somehow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Stolen photos

Or maybe not stolen... I did get a permission to reproduce what I saw.

Today's photographs are brought to you by a top notch high definition digital video camera and a brand new 42" wide screen hdtv high resolution tv screen. And a brother, the owner of the said equipment, who went to Peru for 5 weeks to shoot incredible video of animals big and small.

I was in awe seeing the sharpness and the clarity of the tv screen and the video footage. The praise isn't unfounded. Even when shot with my mediocre holiday camera simply pointed at the tv as the film was rolling (and the audience was enjoying a glass of red wine), the picture is sharp enough. Amazing.

And the scenery was amazing too. Escapism. My favorite past time...