Saturday, January 12, 2008

Back in Finland

I am back in Finland, after my holiday trip to Spain and the weather today is cloudy, foggy, rainy. All snow gone once again. But today I don't feel depressed about the scenery, to me, today, the fog feels like a comfortable blanket or a veil, enveloping me, protecting me. No rush, no pressure, no chirpy demand to be productive. Just simple solid greyness that sooths.

By the way... one thing I have learned about posting photographs is that you should never trust what your computer screen tells you. While in Marbella I had added saturation to some of the pictures I posted using my laptop (an Acer), and when I came home and looked at the pictures on my desktop screen I realized the laptop screen had been lying to me. The colors looked totally different. And it gets even more complicated once you start thinking what different types of screens, what different kinds of color & brightness settings each of my viewers might be using. There simply is no way of knowing how the pictures will turn out when others look at them on their computers.

Such is life. You cannot control everything even if you try.

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